New Episodes!

Vitality Vault

Tune into the “Vitality Vault” for candid conversations that are as enlightening as they are entertaining. This is the place where ambitious women gather to gain actionable insights and get inspired to excel in the entrepreneurial arena—with a sprinkle of snark and a whole lot of straight talk.

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About Vitality Vault

Hosted by Shannon Hayes, CEO and seasoned marketing maestro with over 30 years of experience, this podcast is where the gloves come off in the discussion of female entrepreneurship.

Expect a mix of savvy strategies, no-nonsense advice, and real-life stories in each episode, tailored to help women tackle the complexities of business ownership. Shannon doesn’t just cover the basics—she dives into the mess and magic of balancing personal lives with professional ambitions, complete with a few laughs, and yes, even some choice words when needed.

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